Robots.txt in Django - How to set robots.txt in django for PythonAnywhere.


This time, I will introduce how to install robots.txt in PythonAnywhere django.

You don't want Google's crawler to crawl you by placing a robots.txt,you can teach the page to crawlers.

[Robots.txt] How to set in PythonAnywhere django.

Create robots.txt in the directory under templates.

User-agent: *
Allow: /
Disallow: /admin/

The following means that all crawlers are covered.

User-agent : * 

The following means that the target you want to deny access to is the admin page.

Disallow: /admin/

The following can tell you the location of the Sitemap.


Add the following to in the directory under the application.

from django.views.generic import TemplateView

urlpatterns = [
  path('robots.txt', TemplateView.as_view(template_name='robots.txt', content_type='text/plain')),

Set the path to robots.txt in TemplateView and you're done.

In the previous article, I introduced how to configure sitemap.xml.

And this time I told you how to set robots.txt.

Even with this, it can still take a significant amount of time for newly written articles to be indexed.

In that case, it is a method to request indexing directly in Google Search Console.

You can read it in the article below.

  1. python
  2. Robots.txt in Django - How to set robots.txt in django for PythonAnywhere.


Almost 10 years have passed since I started learning web development. Learning web development has made my life more fulfilling. This is because the greatest benefit that can be obtained in the process of learning web development is that when you encounter difficulties, you acquire the attitude of actively searching for information to solve them on your own. And just as I learned a lot from the knowledge of my predecessors, I hope that by disseminating information in English, it will reach people around the world who want to learn web development. life is very short. I would be very happy if I could add even a little bit to your life by my outputting what I learned every day. Maybe the information is incorrect or outdated at times. I'll update when I find out.